Saturday, April 27, 2013

Blossoms, Birdies, and Buds

This post is just downloading some pics of plants including some rare and unusual plants we have acquired through the years. Some pics are from last year.

                                           Cornus mas - Cornelian Cherry Dogwood - blooms in March
                                           - fruit makes delectably awesome tart preserves

                                                 Sakura baby - Yoshino Flowering Cherry - sometimes the flowers
                                                 seem so bright in the morning it seems as if a white light is shining in

                                                  This is what can happen when you toss peaches off the deck

                                                   Ramps are up. Got them in West Virginia and transplanted last yr.
                                                   This and other types of wold leeks were called "son of the ram" as
                                                   they appear when sun is in Aries


                                                  Rosemary makes it through the winter - (barely) buried under sawdust
                                                  - I like to go along the herb garden and nibble on a medley of parsley,
                                                  sage, rosemary, and thyme

                                                    Fixing up the ole veggie (er weed) garden

                                                                    A wild saxafrage

                                                      Kwanzan Flowering Cherry

                                                 Kwanzan Flowering Cherry - Inside View

                                         A patch of ragwort with our cat Peace

                                                Pink Quince tree blooms with white blossoms of the hardy orange -
                                                The hardy bitter oranges make a great lemonade, a wonderfully
                                                complex bitter marmalade and I plan to use the rinds ion homemade
                                                beer this coming autumn

                                                    Mayhaw blossoms. Hawthornes and apples seem to have these cool
                                                    red blotched blooms, perhaps a symbol of the red and the white,
                                                    female and male energies entwining - and a symbol of Beltaine

                                                     Tulips are just fun

                                                        Thistle (and her shadow - Lucifer)

                                                    Japanese Flowering Ash Tree

                                                  Purple Mitsuba (aka Japanese Parsley) - good in salads
                                                  and pesto. Also a perennial that reseeds and spreads around too

                                                   Alabama Snow Wreath - rare Spirea relative

                                                    Crandall American Black Currant - good fruit too

Wild Delphinium, ie. Larkspur
seeing hillsides full of these is magickal
Shisandra vine - leaves and berries said to make an adaptagenic tea and berries for juice - have yet to try
Dead Nettle not looking dead
Bonnie Virginia bluebells
A bonnie red Scotch broom
Pulminaria, ie. Lungwort - March flowering with nice spotted leaves
The beautiful Red Buckeye
Sapphire Berry, aka. Sweetleaf - has neat blue berries
Fothergilla - nice woodland shrub
Poison Ivy - what's itchin' me now
Alternate Leaf Dogwood, ie Pagoda Dogwood - found in Ohio
Japanese Snowbell (Styrax japonioca) from last May - seeds make great malas

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